Sweater made from Merino & Alpaca wool is soft, has excellent fluidity, is very comfortable to wear, has great stretch recovery properties and excellent wear performance. Of all the many types of wool available, Australian Merino & Alpaca wool are regarded as the finest. They’re an excellent fibre for producing sweaters, as it not only offers breathability, but has natural stretch and recovery, great drape and outstanding wear performance. However Merino & Alpaca wool is a delicate fibre and a little bit of care and attention will ensure your sweater will last for a very long time.
Hand wash in clean tepid water, approximately 20 C, using special wool detergent. Allow to soak for a period of 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly firstly in lukewarm water, then finally in cold water. Gently press the water out of the garment, do not grate nor wring. Drain off, wrap in a towel and leave for a couple of minutes. Spread the sweater on a dry towel, away from heat sources. When placing the sweater on a towel to dry, gently knead it by hand into shape and size, and remove as many creases or folds as possible. Always flat dry sweaters if possible. After the first wash (when it’s completely dry), your sweater can stretch delicately as it’s natural fibre process. We do not recommend a frequent wash (once per season is enough).
Sweter goes out of shape
The sweater normally reverts to its normal shape after drying. The exception, where recovery is not possible, is in the event that a sweater which is labeled “Hand wash” has inadvertently been washed in a washing machine and has severely felted i.e. formed a felt, which unfortunately is irreversible, and results in the sweater being unwearable.
Sweater develops “pills”
Plling is a natural and complex process where the friction causes the short fibres to migrate to the surface of a sweater. It’s a complex phenomenon, and depends on many factors including the action of the wearer i.e. the sweater during wear constantly comes into contact with other surfaces that tend to cause abrasion. Because pilling is so complex, nobody can guarantee that it won’t occur, but there’re numbers of ways that the chances of pilling can be minimised.
Minimising the risk of pilling
To reduce the risk of piling occurring, always turn a sweater inside out when laundering. Any migration of fibres due to abrasion during tumble drying will cause protruding fibres, which can result in pilling, to be formed on the inside rather than the outside of the sweater.
If not too many pills have been formed then they can usually be removed by hand. This should be done routinely after drying. Another advice on pills removal is a “fabric shaver / brush”, low cost and very effective device giving your sweater an “as new” appearance again.